Search engine is use the link to get the website information, with the link search engine find the result, you know the work of link is very important that is like a notice for related website who use your site and what type of link is connected to your website, so we can say it is a notification for a web page this notification give the information that someone has linked to a webpage or different webpage for a same site on your site. When you read the article and leave the link then with the help of track back link authors to keep track of who is linking to, or referring to article for article website . Mostly people use the internet and everyone is eager to see new website and related to their keyword every user on internet every one search the result by different term but they use the same keyword it is the result category by search engine and this is done by seo expert team , actually this is the work of seo Track back is use by article lover the interested website and article lover watch the interested article they search the many article which is keyword related and give the useful information to article his or her website on the high pr and highest rank is better for track back on search engine. Seo expert do lot of things and process they leave the track back to related or other websites for visibility of the targeted website and put in lot of efforts show the better result for searching term in order to see their website on Google rank to doing well. Remember this is not easy all and one needs to have lot of patience and lot of hard work the best way a business. If one has a website and wishes to good in terms of online business then there is no second choice but to go for SEO. If one is interested in learning and knowing all about SEO that can also be done. One can attend classes or one can even learn online and become an expert in it. For people who do not know what SEO means it is search engine optimization. Track back process basically use by blog reader, article reader, and other website where the option given of track back in this box we use our URL which is related to our website. It allows you to comment on someone else's entry without actually having to make a comment in their comment field. If you think well enough of what they wrote to write about it on your own weblog, you don't have to leave a comment on their site in order to let them know you are writing about them. The purpose of Trackback is to let a site know that you are referencing them on your on site. (The Trackback URL is directed link to a website and different than the regular permanent link URL. Trackbacks are link, you should use them.)
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